Sunday, November 28, 2010


We were going down to the barn the last week and Bel found a litter of kittens. We looked for the mama cat for several hours that afternoon and could not find her. Keeping in mind this was the day before it hit -30 so I certainly could not leave them outside, and thus they moved into our upstairs bathroom. Blah, blah, blah...animals can care for themselves, I have too many animals and um any other objections there may be. WE HAVE BABY KITTIES!!

There are four delightful little kittens that bounce around our house. Fearsa is a little tabby cat, she's a bit fearful but a great pouncer. She's the second smallest of the litter. Callie is a gorgeous calico cat with a black face. She is the largest of the litter (by far) and has the most energy. She runs, jumps, pounces and is crazy full of energy! Skunk is black with an orange stripe down her nose. Her bum is a different color than her body which is adorable and funny to watch. She is a great climber...especially up my legs when she's hungry. It's hilarious because she doesn't climb one paw at a time, she hops up with all four paws at once. Enna is the baby and she's such a little thing. She was so sick and weak at first and could sit in the palm of one of my hands. She is very small and sweet. Bel is very attached to her and tries to carry her around in her mouth.

It's been a week now and the kittens are doing much better. Their energy levels are up, they are eating well and adapting to their new home. The kittens have now become great little escape artists. We had them blocked in upstairs so they could run around when are at home but they've figured out that together they can push through the boxes and escape down the stairs. However, they can't figure out the stairs so they just tumble a bit.

Meux of course was very upset that we brought these little bundle of fluffs into her house. She would puff and hiss at them like crazy. She's now warmed up to Fearsa and will rub noses with her (we arbitrarily call them she cause we can't tell yet) but the others still stay clear. Strider only has a problem with them when they make biscuits on him and Bel tries to herd them around. Scotch is indifferent to everything in life, including the kittens.

We tried talking to the neighbors to discover who the mama cat was and I tried to find her in and around the barn, but I never did find anyone. On friday we uncovered her identity, but when we tried to reintroduce mama to kittens, the kittens rejected her even more strongly than she rejected them. Her owner thinks she's already pregnant again (welcome to the country) so that explains what happened. At least she dropped them off with a safe and loving home.

PS- check under your Christmas tree: there will probably be a kitten!

Aerya's Friend Toby

When I dropped Aerya off at school a couple of weeks ago, one of hte other moms stopped me. It turns out that her son Toby has a crush on Aerya and talks non-stop about her. Aerya is the best thing to come along since Tonka trucks.

Aerya now talks about Toby all the time. They play together, sit beside each other for circle time and hold hands during songs. He is the only friend whom she remembers during the day (whenever I ask her about what she did at school she can NEVER remember what anyone did or even sometimes who was there. Mind you, that's just cause she has something more interesting to do and doesn't want to talk.)

The other day she came home and non-shelauntly mentions that she told Toby they were getting married. I asked her what he said and he looked at her, shrugged, smiled and asked her for more lego. I love that kid.