Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Little Ponies

Aerya introduces us to her ponies and then sings the song of her favorite two; Pinky-Pony and Clover.

Aerya comes up with incredibly elaborate stories with anything at hand. Her best stories usually involve completely inanimate objects like socks (not puppets), brushes or CDs.

These are a few of my favorite things...

Aerya the photographer snaps some of her favorite things.


This is a pic of the camera itself!

Aerya's babies have just this week been allowed to wear clothes. Since she was able to do so, Aerya has removed all clothing from all her babies and bears. She's never explained it to us, though we have asked. I asked the other day if the poor babies could put on clothes and she agreed. We went to the Thrift Store and got clothes, socks, hats, bibs and jammies for each of them. She cycles through the outfits in about 5 mins, then when she's done playing they get naked again.

Inside the little crate is a kitten. She loves that it's an animal that she can tell what to do, and it'll actually listen. Today kitty got a time out because she hissed at Aerya after Aerya wouldn't share a treat with her. Stay tuned to the My Little Pony post for more imaginative animal play.

This is a little wooden cat at Grandma's house.

I deleted the pics of me as they were mostly bum shots.

Finally, pigtails.

For the first time in years, Aerya willingly put pigtails in her hair. She readily accepts barrettes and likes that they keep her hair out her eyes, but for some reason she has hated ponytails.

Okay, maybe she was a bit reluctant at first, but she's grown to like them!

Princess Party

Aerya was invited to her school-friend Taylor's 4th birthday party this weekend. It was a princess party and all the little girls dressed up like their favorite princess. Amazingly, there were no duplications! Aerya went as a purple princess (much like the Princess and the Frog), but really chosen for the color only.

Sarah (Taylor's Mom) made an amazing Little Mermaid cake complete with rocks, a sandy beach and an ocean of blue jello.

The girls had a great time playing together, trying to 'pin the diamond on the princess' and decorating beautiful crowns.

And here's our gorgeous drama-queen as she finally agrees to leave. Happy Birthday Taylor!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Show n Tell

Aerya's does show n tell at preschool each month and loves the concept. This month she brought Yoddel the dog and Purple Kitty. The Show-er always gets to choose if the other kids get to touch their special item. Aerya decided that they could pet her animals with one hand, but could not cuddle them. She does always has some pretty specific ideas about her stuff.

Her shyness usually peeks out at this time, but only when she has to follow the scripted words "I have something to show the class."

Moving, sortof

Well, the big Mitchell move is well underway. We have have a few setbacks, but all is well now.

We left our house on Nov. 30 and planned to stay with Mom & Dad for 1 month. However, we've been here for 2 months now but have definate confirmation that there's only 1 week left until we are in our new house at the acerage.

We're hoping to get some painting done before we move in and I have great new plans for Aerya's bedroom. Who could ever guess that we're going for a princess theme for a 3 year old girl.

I'm really, really excited for the spring when we can start working on the land itself. I have so many ideas and plans that I cannot wait to implement.

Aerya is so looking forward to the acerage. She talks about the landscape all the time and compares it to the trees and frost on our drives around town. She is always pointing out the "beeeeuutiful" trees. She's having a bit of a hard time distinguishing between any group of trees and a forest so I'm excited for her to live in the country.

She's also looking forward to having animals at the farm. She asked last night if she could have her own horse, or at least pretend that Rayne's (our 5-year old neighbor) horses are her own!

We've been preparing Strider for the acerage by taking him out into the field behind Mom & Dad's house to let him romp in the snow. It's so funny because he's a fairly small dog and he bounds through snow drifts twice as high as he is.