Thursday, September 04, 2008

That's not so good...

Derek & I were folding laundry and I got the bright idea to pull Aerya around in the basket like a car. She also thought it was a bright idea.
Alright, she's a bit top heavy. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time. But, she's a total trooper and it takes quite a bit for her to get hurt.
Hmm, yeah that really wasn't so good. Her head smucked the pony wall. But being the rough and tumble kid she is (plus the head injury...), she wanted to go again. But with no owwie this time.
Seriously! Will I never learn! Everyone does say that I'm a terrible driver!
Finally, Aerya discovers the safest way to travel in this car: as the driver!


  1. I amazed she lasted as long as she did! She fell three times and was still willing to ride in it. I also love the fact that instead of making things safer, her daddy was sitting there with the camera!

  2. Yeah, you're pretty lazy all the way around :)

  3. It's great that mom can now admit she is a bad driver!! Soo many bumps on the head and only more to come, you're limiting her scholarness!! good thing she has her auntie's cuteness and charm to get her through life!! :)
