Each week the school designates a color and on a particular day the kids dress in that color and bring a snack of that color. They also do crafts and playdoh in that color. This week was jaune (yellow).
It's hard to see, but Aerya's sweater has a yellow stripe (the only yellow clothes I could find). To make up for it, I went all out on the accessories! She had jaune earings (stickon), jaune ponytails and barrette, 3 jaune fingernails on each hand (the others were pink) and jaune underwear (which I hope she didn't show off...)
We packed pineapple and yellow marshmellows for a snack. I know, wierd snack, but there's not that many jaune snacks that I could send. They have a very strict food policy that doesn't allow any wheat, candy or nuts.
Aerya colored this tournesol (sunflower) and told us the name when she got home, and that the other picture was a very bright soleil (sun).

She's been absorbing the french language amazingly well. The other night she was playing school with her toys and told them that if they did not want to play with their friend they had to say "Non, merci.", but that if they did want to play they should say "Oui, s'il vous plait." We were blown away. She knows the colors yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, and red in french, please, thank you, hello and goodbye, along with some other vocab. I LOVE this school!
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