Hello all!
We've arrived safe and sound in Hawaii and are just about to get our first daytime view of the city. We got in at 9:45pm (their time) and the sun had long since set so we had to try to navigate this unknown territy in the dark. After one wrong turn, and a loooong turn around we arrived at the hotel. Um, it's definately not 5*, but um, it`s got beds... We discovered this morning that the sun rises by at least 5am, and so did Aerya. Great. We didn`t arrive to the hotel until midnight last night so 5am was not a welcome sight. Thank goodness for TV! PS: Treehouse is Canadian. I forgot. Anywho, more to come later. Hugs to everyone!
Aerya has been so amazing this trip. I know that we would have really regretted if we hadn't brought her.