...and then wanted to try 4 stations during the freeplay time. She was still a bit reluctant to clean up, but did it without any prompting.
It was so great to see her. She shared and took turns with the other kids, she actually sang some of the songs - with the actions, and had a blast playing parachute.
Due to a possible dental scheduling issue, I wasn't sure if I'd make it in time to take her to preschool and Mom arranged for Amber to come and take her. It turned out that I was home in time, and so both Amber and I went. Aerya thought that was "a good idea."
When asked what her favorite part of preschool was today she replied "the teacher" (which was so cute!!), and then "parachute!!!!" There was a different teacher covering today, and I have to admit I like her a lot better too. Not that there's anything wrong with the regular teacher, this one is just super duper at her job.
Parachute was great, first we played popcorn where we have to 'pop' stuff off the parachute, then we played motor boat where the kids were under the chute and we waved it down onto them slow then faster. Aerya was relaxing underneath with a huge grin on her face and she was shaking the chute with all she had during popcorn.
Can't wait to see what next week brings!
I love that she likes going to class and that she listens to the teacher. She does the same thing at gymnastics. It's like, if we say, "we can't go there, Aerya," it doesn't count. But if we tell her that the teacher/coach (or a sign, for that matter) said we can't, then she follows it. I'm just glad that she's a great student. Must have gotten that from her Mommy:)