We can thank our "clense" in May for finding this little store. I was trying to find a deli that had gluten-free breads and we found this little gem nestled in the heart of St. Albert. THe owners are wonderful and I can finally get lunch meat that has no preservatives or fillers.
Listens to : Minipops, Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor Swift
Watches : Gummi Bears, Barbie and the Three Musketeers, Disney Princesses, Fantastic 4 (Silver Surfer), Monsters Vs. Aliens, Lilo & Stitch, Winnie the Pooh, Madagascar, Ice Age, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, Little Mermaids, Simpsons Movie
Dresses like a princess all day long: in either a dress and heels, or a bathing suit and heels
You have to do whatever I say. (OMG she IS her mother's child!)
I win. That's it.
When the red ones get close to being in, you get to move them in. (Playing Beanbags)
Mommy, I promise to be a good girl tomorrow so you can just give me your chocolate now.
When my hands go like this (hanging limply in front of her), that means I'm sorry. I don't have to say the words, you should just know I'm sorry.
Aerya: Look, I wrote an A. (With sidewalk chalk) I learned it on the internet. Madison: Aerya, you crack me up!
I can't blow very well. But I'll be a great blower when I'm older. (Trying to blow up a balloon...)
Mommy, we need to discuss this nap. You see, the nap has no, no, no and watching Fairly Odd Parents has yes, yes, yes. And well, the yes wins so there's no nap for me!
Hey! Who moved this step over here (as in out of the way)? I was going to use that! And what is this blanket doing over here (folded neatly in the corner)?!? Do I have to do every around here? Well?
You need to go to Eye Spy school because you don't know the game's rules. You sure don't listen very well,Daddy.
We can thank our "clense" in May for finding this little store. I was trying to find a deli that had gluten-free breads and we found this little gem nestled in the heart of St. Albert. THe owners are wonderful and I can finally get lunch meat that has no preservatives or fillers.