Aerya has an obsession with drawing. If she can get her hands on anything (and I mean ANYTHING) that can make a mark, she'll use it. She's now progressed to the point that she knows what she is drawing - they're not just random scribbles. Mostly she draws Daddy, but sometimes she throws in something else.
We got really smart and bought washable markers for her. The permanent ones were beginning to try my patience... And we bought big posterboard and taped it onto our kitchen floor. She completely understands that she can only draw on the paper. She stays on it, and very little crosses over onto the linolium. If you give her a piece of paper, it's the same thing - she won't draw on any other papers that are around.
The unfortunate part is that she loves for me to draw on her easle. And I SUCK at art. Really suck. But, I have to entertain her so I draw what she wants. So far it's heavy on the pig, cat, dog theme but we've also thrown in a horse (I'll have to add a pic of it to this post soon), a giraffe (I'm possitive that's what I was going for...) and a cow (I forgot what a cow face looks like, so it's like a dog with spots and horns and stuff...)
Ha ha I can't wait to see your art.