Saturday, April 26, 2008

At the Park

Aerya loves a good park.

In the video she's saying "3, 2, 1 go!!"

Going to Feed the Ducks

Vacation at WEM!!! Waterpark

We stayed at WEM for 3 days over Spring Break and had a blast. Here we are at the waterpark which Aerya LOVED!! The only downside was that the new toddler park was still under construction. However, that does mean we just have to go back now that it's done!

A Beaner's Haircut

Aerya went for a haircut at Beaner's in St. Albert, and I would have to call it a success. She was such a trouper, all the other kids screamed through thier cuts, but Aerya just sat there and let her cut away.

It's a pretty cool place, there's cars and other neat chairs for them, a ball pit for after, and tons of trinkets.

Once it dried, the cut looked really cute. It's sortof like a mushroom cut where the ends curl under and she looks so sweet!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So ready to go home.

There! That's more like the Aerya we know and love! She perked up so much on that last day and couldn't wait to get out of there!

We're home now and she's almost back to normal. She had to use her puffer a couple of times, but not in more than a week.
We went to see her chiropractor and he helped to settle out the rest of her illness and now she's back to sleeping through the night and has tons (!) of energy during the day again.
We're currently working on the clingyness she's developed, hopefully it'll fade away soon because I can't be more than a couple feet away for long!
Welcome back Aerya, welcome back.