Saturday, March 29, 2008

How to Entertain a Sick Paddles

You all know that Aerya can't sit still for more than 1 minute at a time, so the dilema we were in was how to keep her in her bed for days. Chad (with the mind of a toddler :) and Christine came to visit Aerya lots and they bought her a portable DVD player. It was a life saver! Here she is drawing and watching Pablo.

Hospital Visiting Procedures

Aerya was in an isolation room in the hospital because she was so contagious. Anyone that came in to see her had to put on a gown, mask and gloves. And, anytime Derek or I left the room we had to do the same. It was a serious pain when we just had to pee! It looks way more serious than it was though.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We're home!

At home. Tired. Sleepy. Exhausted.
Yea modern medicine! Boo modern viruses.
More deets & photos later. Promise.

Aerya is off the IV and oxygen but has an inhaler. She's still having really horrible coughing fits that make her throw up (yummy) but we're hoping to see tons of improvement over the next 3 days (14 days till back to normal.) She's also thrown up again at home so we're a bit worried about a return trip tonight. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, do a good deed - whatever you can think of to keep us out of the hospital!!

On that note, I still love the Sturgeon Hospital. The Stollery totally has an air of excellence in it, but the Sturgeon is so comforting and personal (plus they didn't make us wear a gown, mask and gloves to pee!)

Anyone know a good house cleaning company, furnace cleaning company, carpet cleaning company? We need a full sanitising.

PS-if any of your kids (or you) are coughing (and become lethargic (low energy) call Health Link (408-LINK) and discuss the symptoms of RSV/bronchiolitis/phnemonia. Info:

Aerya's came on really quick and it is super contagious and super, super common right now. They need oxygen if it's a serious case like her's so it's important to rule this virus out with the quick bloodtest available.

Please, please, please make sure your kids and you are washing your hands tons when you're going into public places (park, school, mall, evil-germ-filled Walmart) and before you get back into your car. Carry the stupid alcohol-no water cleansers with you. I really wish I had done so. Our nurses even told us that because it's transfered through mucous spray (and other ways) that we now should wash our clothes and hair if we're going out to see anyone who may be at risk (babies, elderly, sickies). Thank you for reading this public service announcement. Nurse Tarra :)

On that note (I know, I'm all about the notes tonight), while we would love it, Aerya cannot have visitors. She's just way too contagious. However, I was thinking about writing a letter. (Friends reference-I'm tired. Do your remember it? Think Thanksgiving +Chandler 'doing' drugs.)

We're expecting a full recovery in about 2 weeks, but I'll have more info when we see our doc this week. Thanks SO MUCH for all the support from everyone. We really, really appreciate it - as does Paddles. Or at least I think that's what she said. It was either Thanks, or Tanks, or Bees. One of those for sure!

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Stay at the Stollery..and others

Aerya is going to be in the hospital for the next 2-3 days with viral pneumonia. We can be contacted intermittenly though Derek's cell.

Aerya is being a trooper and has Pablo to watch on a portable DVD players that to Chad and Christine. She also has plenty of books, stuffed animal friends, and love thanks to Grandma & Grandpa, and Amber and Steven. Grandad Mitchell's prayers and thoughts are also with Aerya, though he regrets being unable to visit his little angel in person.

(you're not-as-good-as-Tarra blogger until Tarra's illustrious return to the blogging world)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

SICKNESS: Day 5...

Aerya has had such a bad day today. She's been such a trooper, but finally the sickness won out. By 5:30 pm today she has only had a fudgesicle to eat and some milk. We have offered her everything under the sun to eat, but that's all she would take. She'd say yes to a freezee, or some juice and even cereal once. But, as soon as you hand it to her she'll cry, shake her head, and say no.

She has spent 95% of her time today either falling asleep, being asleep, or waking up (crying) from sleep. She and Derek are currently sleeping together with Meux sleepily guarding them.
On a humerous note, Aerya and I were locked out of the house for 40 minutes at midnight last night...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Poor Sick Baby

Aerya has been fighting a terrible virus for the past three days. She threw up for 2 days (all day and night), has lots of congestion and snufflyness, and a horrific cough that wakes her up constantly throughout the night.

Here she is resting peacefully, with Cliff. She has been amazing throughout this whole ordeal. When she's not actively woofing she's happy and cuddly, then when she gets worn out again she just climbs up and snuggles down for a rest.

We've watched tons of Pablo, Nemo and Shrek and have just started the Bee movie (Bee? Bee? Bee.) We've also read lots and lots of books and done puzzles.

What's been extra nice is that Aerya's been falling asleep on her own without milk. She'll even wake up and put herself back to sleep several times a night. She's also loved having massages and has drifted off during them as well. Maybe when this virus has passed, we'll have a whole new sleep pattern to enjoy. Something positive out of something terrible.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Sleepy Reading

Aerya's been doing this really cute thing where she'll curl up on the couch with a book when she's getting sleepy. She gets her green blanket out of the box and covers herself all up till she's nice and cozy and then proceed to read to herself. She'll also curl up with one of us and watch TV if she's more in a TV type of mood.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

This is one of Aerya's favorite bedtime books. Here she is actually 'reading' it.

What she says is "Baby" (the name of the main character) with the bunny sign, "Mama" (his Mama) and "Green" (the couch color). She'll do this for most pages including "monster", "coat", "mop", "bed", "cup", "teddy or baby", "sleep"

Paddles & Daddy

Aerya and Derek are hilarious together! It's so wonderful to see them play - both are funloving kids at heart - and always will be.

He can get her giggling in a way no one else can - and believe me, I've tried. Somehow he has this magical ability to transform any moment into the ridiculous. I can even say a phrase to her, and she knows if it's one Daddy uses when he's silly. "Happy to be a Paddles" always elicits a screaming laugh of "Dada, Dada!"

They share a sense of humor, ability to always see the fun in a situation, a disgregard of social 'rules' (in a good way), and so much more.

Paddles in Snow

She's such a good helper, sortof.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bubble Wrap

It is so cute to see her face when she finds something new, exciting, and FUNNY!